DANLIFE: The DANish LIFE course cohort

DANLIFE is a register-based cohort that includes information on exposure to childhood adversities amongst all children born in Denmark since 1980. 

Boy standing under a rainy cloud
Illustration: Modified from Tanke-streger (tanke-streg.dk)


The DANish LIFE course cohort (DANLIFE) is a nationwide, register-based, life-course cohort that is based on comprehensive and continuously updated information on social adversity and major life events from the Danish registers. These unique data from a large, unselected population provide an unprecedented resource for testing life-course mechanisms, such as sensitive periods and the accumulation of various stress factors across childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. The DANLIFE cohort is comprised of all people born in Denmark from 1980 onwards, so far totaling more than two million people who have been followed from birth until age 38.